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This domain is unmistakable.

From fashion to food to iconic monuments like the Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower, .paris makes elegance look easy. Now the international capital of style has its own place on the web. Finalement!

Show you’re local. Register .paris.

.paris offers singular web addresses to the fashion houses, cooking schools, museums, theatres and people who live and work in this magnificent city. Tell everyone where you live and work with your own .paris domain.

Register New paris Domain

New registration of .paris domain is no longer supported by NityGity

Transfer Existing paris Domain

Oh ohh!
Transfer of .paris domain is no longer supported by NityGity

Duration New Registration Renewal Transfer
Year 1 - - -
Year 2 - - -
Year 3 - - -
Year 4 - - -
Year 5 - - -
Year 6 - - -
Year 7 - - -
Year 8 - - -
Year 9 - - -
Year 10 - - -