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From software to hardware and beyond.

Many businesses have a love-hate relationship with technology. They need it to survive but don’t have the skills to fix it when it goes down. A .tech domain tells everyone you’re the one to call with technical issues.

Great for admins and coders, too.

Web developers, information security analysts, systems administrators, research firms and tech bloggers can also register .tech for custom web addresses that spotlight their strengths.

Register New tech Domain

New registration of .tech domain is no longer supported by NityGity

Transfer Existing tech Domain

Oh ohh!
Transfer of .tech domain is no longer supported by NityGity

Duration New Registration Renewal Transfer
Year 1 - - -
Year 2 - - -
Year 3 - - -
Year 4 - - -
Year 5 - - -
Year 6 - - -
Year 7 - - -
Year 8 - - -
Year 9 - - -
Year 10 - - -